Xiamen GTL Power System Co.,Ltd.

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GTL 185cfm 10bar 5.2m3/min Stationary Diesel Screw air Compressors to Australia


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    If you are interested in our products and want to know more details,please leave a message here,we will reply you as soon as we can.

GTL 185cfm 10bar 5.2m3/min Stationary Diesel Screw air Compressors to Australia

  • 2023-07-05

We ready to delivery 24 units 185cfm 10bar 5.2m3/min Stationary Diesel Screw Compressors to Australia. We developed by our company for the Australia market and used in mining field. This product fully complies with the local certification in Australia, the features compact size with low fuel consumption, this is continuous orders from our regular customers since 2018, because of our compressors are deeply like by local customers due to reliable performance,high cost performance, complete use and parts manuals, and easy maintenance.


We adopt Chinese good performance FOVN engine with 4 cylinder 2.7 displacement nature aspirated. 2500rpm, 42kw rated power, low fuel consumption low noise. We use the international famous brand air end, with SKF bearing. Single stage without gear, the design life of 20,000 hours, can guarantee 2 years without limited hours. The high quality of the air end has cast the international quality characteristics of GTL diesel air compressor.

As we know,besides engine and air end, the radiator also very important, this part we designed according to the ambient temperature of 55°, and large margin capability ensures that the air compressor will not trip if high temperature in hot summer. This radiator is aluminum plate-fin structure, which has a long service life ,the warranty is 2 years.



For the compressor pipeline system, we use valves of international quality, including intake valve, safety valve, thermostats control valve, and an integrated block with pressure regulation and automatic venting functions independently developed and designed by GTL. We design of the instrument also integrates all data and alarms. Our goal is to make an intelligent machine that not only has a friendly interface, but also self-diagnostics, and continues to create value for customers.


Our compressors are carefully built by our R&D team, and the factory is lean in production. Each machine embodies the team wisdom of GTL, and the quality is naturally impeccable. Trust GTL, we will help your business succeed.

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Xiamen GTL Power System Co.,Ltd.

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    If you are interested in our products and want to know more details,please leave a message here,we will reply you as soon as we can.